Question & Answer

How do you set pricing?

With a basic description of your dog’s size and breed we can give you a general price over the phone, but we need to see your dog and feel its coat in order to give you an accurate estimate. A coat can be curly, kinky, smooth, thin, thick, dense, sparse, matted or not. Because coats vary widely, so does pricing. Temperament during the groom can also affect pricing. We do our very best to give you a fair estimate for the work performed and we’re usually successful sticking to that price.

How do I know when to pick up my dog?

We will call/text you when we are finishing up the groom and ask that you arrive at the salon within 30 minutes.

Do you offer pick-up and drop-off services for an additional fee?

Yes. If you live in the neighborhood, with advanced planning, we can pick up your dirty dog and return your pal nice and clean.

Past groomers have told me my dog is scared of the dryer. What can you do to make him more comfortable?

Many dogs dislike the loud noise of standard pet dryers. We always use cotton in their ears during drying as well as happy hoodies to muffle the sound of the dryer. We do not use cage dryers, so if your dog seems upset by the dryer noise, we will use a “fluff” dryer, which is quieter to dry your dog.

Do you offer at home grooming?

Yes. In certain situations, if we feel the dog would be more comfortable remaining at home for the groom, we can arrange that.

What if my dog is old and I’m nervous the groom will be too stressful?

This is a valid concern and understand grooming can be stressful for elderly dogs. If your dog is healthy overall, we will discuss your concerns and your dog’s potential physical challenges with the groom. If it’s decided we can go forward, we will take every precaution to make sure your pet is comfortable. With elderly dogs, sometimes only a bath and slow blow dry are possible. Or the groom is a held to a clean-up rather than a full groom. Keeping your dog’s safety and health is our top concern, so we will groom to whatever point seems comfortable for your dog,

What type of shampoos and products do you use?

We use an assortment of high quality shampoos and conditioning products such as Chris Christensen, iGroom, Earthbath, and Hydra. We offer a hypo-allergenic, fragrance free shampoo as well as specialty shampoos like Tea Tree and Clarifying. For more information, please see our “Additional Services and Products” section on our “Services” page. Feel free to call and ask for specific information on products. We also encourage you to bring your own shampoo for us to use, if that suits you best.

Can I bring my puppy to the groomer?

Yes. It’s a great idea to introduce your puppy to the grooming process when they are young. A first visit is usually a bath and a little scissor clean up of the coat and face. The goal is to get them used to the grooming environment, including the table and noises. Give us a call and we’ll create a plan that works for you and your puppy!